When viewing the calculated Headcount or New Hire accounts on a standard sheet you may receive “Error: This formula refers to a time period which does not exist”:






When using dot notation, users will get the above error on the Headcount formula when an Employee’s Start Date is prior to the periods that are in Adaptive Insights.

Instead of the below formula for Headcount:

iff(this.version.positionof(this.month) >= this.version.positionof(ROW.StartDate.month)

and (isblank(ROW.EndDate)

or this.version.positionof(this.month) <= this.version.positionof(ROW.EndDate.month) ),

1, 0 )

Try using:

=iff(ROW.Partial_Headcount>0, 1, 0 )

Users will get the above error on the New Hire formula as well.

Instead of:

iff(this.version.positionof(this.month) = this.version.positionof(ROW.StartDate.month), 1, 0)

Try using:

iff(ROW.Headcount[time=this-1]=0 and ROW.Headcount = 1, 1, 0 )