ReportWORQ’s rich and dynamic email dashboards help Finance drive data adoption by enabling business users with clear and timely data, while also helping IT improve the security and availability of sensitive data.

Watch as we demonstrate how to use ReportWORQ variables to generate personalized email dashboards, complete with conditional formatting, snippets from reports, and visuals. Our task is to generates reports for 50 states across 6 regions, sending personalized email dashboards while also securely storing copies of reports in a logical folder structure by year, month, and region.

Using an Excel profit and loss statement as a template, we’ll save PDF files to our secure network folder. Due to company policy, we won’t send attachments but create an impressive dashboard in the email body.

Key information in the email includes:

  • Revenue section from the financial statement.
  • 5 lines of commentary with conditional formatting indicating financial position changes (red for worse, green for improved).
  • 2 charts as visuals.

Learn how to dynamically construct folder paths using ReportWORQ variables and data sourced from Excel calculation. Watch as we create a professional an email dashboard that delivers critical financial information without attachments, impressing your users.

ReportWORQ is designed for finance teams, automating the process and providing fast, reliable results. Try ReportWORQ today to deliver compelling financial reports directly in Email, SharePoint, Google Drive, or Microsoft Teams. Visit now for a trial!